Within the last 5 years the emerging cannabis market has swept the midwest with new cannabis stores and headshops exploding across places like Omaha, Lincoln, Iowa, Missouri, South Dakota & Minnesota.
Today it's hard to drive through town without seeing a sign, billboard, or headshop offering "Delta-8 THC", but what does that even mean? Is cannabis legal or not? The answers are easy, but not simple.

Delta-8 vs Delta-9, What's the Difference?
When most people talk about weed they are actually referring to "Delta-9 THC" more commonly known as "THC". Delta-9 THC is one of the primary cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant.
In plain english, it is the main psychoactive component that gives us that nice toasty feeling we all love.
Delta-9 THC gets its name because it is double bonded to the 9th carbon atom in the molecule's carbon chain. If delta-9 is the good stuff, then the further you move away in molecular structure the less potent it is.
Delta-8 THC or D-8, is a similar cannabinoid found in the plant but is double bonded to the 8th carbon atom instead of the 9th, creating some differences in effects and potency.
D-8 does give consumers a "high" feeling although it is less potent than regular delta-9 THC.
Users have reported feeling more "clear-headed" and less anxiety induced when consuming delta-8 compared to delta-9 although individual experiences may vary.
In simple terms D-8 is like "diet weed", It's kind of like the real thing, but not exactly.
Delta 10
While Delta-8 is new and still being studied, even less is known about Delta-10. It is structurally similar to both D-8 and D-9 and users have reported feeling euphoric and releaxed but is much less potent and potential benefits are not as well-understood.
Research into this cannabinoid is still in its infancy, with studies exploring its mechanisms of action, potential therapeutic applications, and long-term effects only just underway.
One aspect that complicates the study of Delta-10 is its relatively low abundance in cannabis plants compared to Delta-8 and Delta-9.
This scarcity makes it challenging to isolate and study Delta-10 in sufficient quantities for comprehensive research. Additionally, the regulatory landscape surrounding cannabinoids adds another layer of complexity, with varying legal statuses across different jurisdictions further hindering research efforts.
Despite these challenges, the growing interest in Delta-10 underscores the need for continued exploration and understanding of its properties. As scientists delve deeper into the intricacies of this novel cannabinoid, we may gain valuable insights into its therapeutic potential and how it interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system.
Until then, the allure of Delta-10 and its reported effects will continue to spark curiosity and drive further investigation into its mysteries